The Power of Our Environment to Change Us Now … and for Generations

Below is a link to a fascinating little article about how our environment has the power to effect us genetically, and how that environmental genetic change is passed down through generations. This is called “environmental epigenetic inheritance.”

While we truly are a “product of our environment,” it turns out we are a product of our ancestors’ environments, too.

I talk about the importance of environment in Chapter 15 of THE SPIRIT FACTOR–how it is the deciding factor in whether something lives or dies, grows or withers, evolves or stays the same, and how it can literally change the shape of our entire physical and emotional beings–but this article goes beyond its immediate impact on us, showing that our environment has a generational impact.

Take a moment to think about all the possibilities and pitfalls of that.

Think about the descendants of Holocaust survivors and slaves, children of rape victims and domestic violence survivors, etc.

I’m sitting here a bit speechless, not quite able to fully comprehend how this new information will change my perception of me, others, and every living thing on our planet.

I love when I’m exposed to research and data that does this! We should never be afraid to expose ourselves to new information that challenges our beliefs and perceptions.

This is how we grow as human beings and evolve as a species.